This is part 2 of our series of consumer alerts on the high-pressure techniques salesmen in the security industry scams. During the summer, we started seeing a marked increase in the number of scams. Security One has been doing business here in the San Antonio area before gas was $1 a gallon and we’ve seen and heard it all. Here’s the final part of our top 10 list of ways that security system scammers target you and your elderly family members. Read Part 1 Here >>
5. “I’m protecting against eBay/Craigslist scammers”
One common thing is they will tell you a story about scammers who get their free security equipment and then resell it on eBay or Craigslist. What they will do is ask for some morsel of information to check to make sure you are who you say you are and they call it in to check it out. What they could very well be doing is running a credit check to see if you can make the payments as well as establishing what price they will quote you.
4. “Corporate is asking for a credit card to get it set up right now. They say there is a special offer available right now! What card will you be using.”
Note, that they don’t give you the option of saying no. They aren’t asking do you want the system, but how will you be paying for it? This is a relatively effective tactic for people who are right on the fence. People, especially the elderly, want to be polite and not make the rep have to hang up after being on hold. For added flair, they may “argue with corporate” how important it is to protect the people whose house he’s in right then.
3. “I’m from XYZ Security company (your current company) and I’m here to check your system out”
One of the more common and insidious security system scams we see in San Antonio. What can happen is the representative will mention how that company is going out of business and he knows a company that doesn’t have as many problems (you didn’t know about the problems?!) your current company has. They may also “update” your system which involves installing different equipment and having you sign a “verification” with them that is a contract for a new security company.
2. “I can perform a free security audit”
This is something you should do anyway. What the representative does is follow basic, common-sense advice. He’ll check your windows and doors to “discover” how your home sweet home is ripe for a home invasion or a burglar any minute from now. It’s a setup for using scare tactics.
1.“This offer is only valid today”
The oldest high-pressure tactic in the book. The representative is frequently a contractor who earns a straight commission and won’t take no for an answer. So, you will notice a thread running through all these warnings that involve time. The time to get safe is now… I have 3 systems left over from a big job… I have a sales goal and am cutting my commission out of the total cost but I need it today… If it’s worth having, it’s worth waiting a day or two to check out the competition.
We at Security One hope that you found this list helpful for fighting summertime security scams. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about avoiding summertime security salesman scams, give Security One a call at 210-341-8900